Brochure Precast concrete plants | Vollert english

16 CSP CENTRAL SHIFTER PLATFORM SYSTEM CENTRAL SHIFTER PLATFORM AS THE CENTERPIECE A VArio SHIFT central shifter platform is the heart of the system and makes the plant processes as flexible as possible. It combines the advantages of the circulation principle with those of a statio- nary production line. Individual work processes such as time-consuming reinforcement operations, concreting or curing times of varying lengths are carried out independently of each other. Even dif- ferently reinforced and complex precast concrete parts can be produced in parallel. 1 The developed CSP plant concept at DSC in Thailand includes a capacity of 180,000 m 2 of solid concrete parts per year. 2 Finishing of the surface of the solid concrete parts is then carried out by an electric VArio SMOOTH rotary trowel The central shifter platform transports the shutter- ing pallet along the longitudinal side to the circu- lation position where it is needed at any given time. Cross-lifting trucks then move it to the transfer po- sitions, either crosswise to the left or right to the respective processing station. This means that there are no downtimes or waiting times, and everything runs completely independently of the cycle time. There are also several buffer places for the inter- mediate storage of semi-finished walls or floors. 2 1