Brochure Special crane systeme | Vollert english

21 20 XIASHUN, CHINA Chinese manufacturer Xiamen Xiashun Aluminium Foil produces aluminium foils at thicknesses of less than six thousandths of a millimeter. They are used for producing capacitors, and the packaging of food and medicines. The 18 t alu- minium ingots that are heated up to temperatures of 500 °C are delivered to the hot rolling mill by a compact high-performance automatic crane, operating over a distance of 85 m. 1 The ingot crane at Xiamen Xiashun is extremely powerful PAYLOAD 18.5 t SPAN 22 m SPEED Bridge: 1 m/s | Trolley: 0.5 m/s | Lift: 0.1 m/s TRAVEL DISTANCE Bridge: 85 m | Lift: 1 m PROJECT DETAILS Automatic crane for delivery of 6 storage bins dedicated to aluminium ingots. 1 An automatic crane transports aluminium ingots heated to temperatures of up to 500 °C over a distance of 85 m AUTOMATIC CRANE FOR ALUMINIUM INGOTS HIGHLIGHTS Compact automatic crane for ingot transport; removing the need for further tilting stations and floor conveyor technology. A shorter length of hot-rolling mill roller conveyor, since one central tilting station effectively replaces 6 individual tilting stations. Rigid load routing and handling of ingots heated to temperatures of 500 °C. REFERENCE PROJECT 1 1