Brochure Special crane systeme | Vollert english

39 38 LOGIN BEVERAGE, SOUTH KOREA The South-Korean beverage bottler Login Beverage loads 10,000 beverage crates per hour onto 240 pallets. For each loading process, the special truck loader equipped with hydrau- lically adjustable fork tines will take up to four beverage pallets, each carrying a load of 1.5 t. Two camera systems at the fork support positio- ning. During lowering, pressure sensors recog- nize automatically when the tines disengage from the load. This saves time and prevents transport damage. Various trucks can be loaded as part of a movable gantry solution. 1 Two camera systems at the fork support the positioning. When low- ering, pressure sensors recognize automatically the moment the tines disengage from the load PAYLOAD 4 x 1.5 t SPAN 5 m SPEED Bridge: 1.1 m/s | Trolley: 0.2 m/s | Lift: 0.2 m/s TRAVEL DISTANCE Bridge: 45 m | Lift: 1.5 m PROJECT DETAILS Truck loading of up to 240 pallets per hour. 1 For every loading process, the special truck loader will take up to four beverage pallets, each with a load of 1.5 t, using hydraulically adjustable fork tines SPECIAL CRANE FOR LOADING OF BEVERAGE CRATES HIGHLIGHTS 2 camera systems provide support for the crane driver when loading trucks. Hydraulic swivel device ensures level positioning. Semi-automatic operation. REFERENCE PROJECT 1 1