Brochure VLEX | Vollert english

8 WITH A BIG TWIST: ARTICULATED STEERING ARTICULATION STEERING MEANS FLEXIBILITY Many shunting systems are too clumsy or involve high wear. The newly developed VLEX road-rail robot fea- tures a very special type of articulated steering. It is steered and controlled by radio control by means of four individually controlled wheel hub motors. Stee- ring takes place via the speed control of the wheels, so that we could do without the steering cylinders commonly used in articulation steering systems. 1 The innovative articulated steering makes the VLEX extremely agile 2 If necessary, it can also be turned 360° on the spot 3 The turning radii are only 7.2 m (VLEX 20) and 10 m (VLEX 40) The road-rail robot is thus compact and extremely maneuverable and therefore a real economic alter- native to previously available shunting solutions. HIGH USABILITY With articulated steering, we eliminate the need for individually steerable wheels, which are often equipped with a lot of vulnerable electronics. This not only avoids disturbing downtimes, but also en- sures a particularly simple steering geometry. Tire wear is also significantly reduced. 1 2 3