Brochure Plus Services | Vollert english

ANALYSIS & CONSULTATION Every plant component is unique in terms of life cycle and the maintenance require- ment for it. Our engineers compile inspec- tion plans, find the matching spare parts, and develop customized retrofitting solutions. We will advise you and analyze the optimal procedure in close dialog, based on the individual situation – and 100% tailored to you. MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION Plant inspections and accident prevention tests are performed to ensure that safety hazards that may arise due to the wear and tear of individual components are detected at an early stage and remedied. Trained staff members will carry out regular maintenance work, such as checking oil le- vels and parts subject to wear and tear, as well as mi- nor repairs on schedule. We also offer this service for non-Vollert systems. Preventive maintenance and ins- pections allow shutdowns to be planned and generally prevent an unforeseeable loss of production. SPARE PARTS You will always receive an appropriate original spare part for the professional maintenance and repair of your plant. We guarantee the long-term availability of our spare parts. Our skilled service technicians will install the spare parts on-site. We will be glad to offer you advice on stocking suitable spare parts. REPAIRS Plant component malfunctions can cause considerable downtime. After professional assessment of the defect and/or presen- tation of a suggestion for repair, the defective compo- nents will be promptly repaired or replaced on-site. PLUS SERVICES – OUR PORTFOLIO 4